Wednesday, July 24, 2013

M14 Sealed Deck

I won some packs at my local M14 Prerelease a few weekends back and have cracked them to work on Sealed Deck building! Here are the relevant cards that I opened in each color. I am trying out a picture based format, you will need to look up the cards if you aren't familiar with all of them.


I don't anticipate playing the millstones, but I could see going deep with a special pool. Ingot enables a splash and the ramp could be relevant. I don't love playing it in general as spending turn three not impacting the board is quite risky in this format. You have to be able to do some special things with the splash/ramp for Ingot to be worth.


Green is far too shallow to be playable here. Certainly some quality cards here and there, but not enough quantity nor bombs.


Blue seems okay, if a little shallow. Clone is great obviously, and the whale provides lots of opportunities to HAUMPH. I also really like Time Ebb, especially in a deck with a solid creature curve. 


Red is pretty spicy, but also shallow. Look at those creatures, not much to get excited about there. The spells however are worth a look. Flames of the firebrand, Chandra and her outrage, shock, and geyser are all premium cards and reasons to play red. Hopefully there is a color deep enough to pair it with, preferably with creatures that can fit a curve.


 Black is solid, but again shallow. Premium cards include Doomblade and two liturgy of blood. I also like the four drop creatures and mark of the vampire. The other cards are okay filler.


Here is some depth at last! Very solid creature curve, though Angelic Wall is not the best attacker.  Double Master of Diversion, Imposing Sovereign, Banisher Priest, Serra Angel, and Dawnstrike Paladin are all great reasons to play white. Other filler creatures are necessary and will go well with other colors.

Spell-wise, pretty much just the Pacifism is what I am interested in. 

I think it is pretty clear that we are going to have a base white deck. The number of playables just make it nearly impossible to do otherwise. I think Green and Blue can be dismissed as being not powerful enough. This leaves Red and Black to fight it out.

My first crack at a build is BW:

Black adds three nearly unconditional removal spells that fit the curve well. It also adds a few evasion creatures which may be necessary to winning if our Serra Angel is killed. Mark of the Vampire is great on those creatures and can be good on a random 2/2 combined with Master of Diversion and our removal.

Here is a crack at a RW deck:

The red adds those premium burn spells but the creatures are pretty underwhelming. Thunder strike seems decent with the Firecats and other 2/2's, but this deck looks like it could potentially have a hard time winning. I am just not sure if the non-Serra Angel creatures will do enough to kill my opponents.

I think I would lean towards playing the BW deck here as it adds a few more threats to go with solid removal. I would definitely want to play some games with the RW version though to see if it could get there. 

What do you all think? Post in the comments below or tweet me @bchap55 . I'm also interested in hearing your comments on this style of presenting a sealed deck. 

Thanks for reading!

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