Saturday, August 13, 2016

Eternal Set Review - Shadow

Check out the rest of the set review with pictures here:

I have been playing lots of Eternal lately, and with the NDA lifted, it is time to put out my thoughts on the cards! I am going to work my way through reviewing all of the cards, next up is the Shadow faction. I may get around to replacing the text with card images. The power costs can be interpreted as: 3S - three power with one Shadow influence. I am rating the cards 0.0 to 5.0, with 5.0 being the best. I will have both draft and ranked ratings. Enjoy!

3 S
2 / 1
Amethyst Acolyte
Summon: Deal 2 damage to the enemy player. You gain 2 Health.
Common Unit — Elf

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 1

Mediocre filler for your draft deck, theoretically a card in ranked in some kind of Fire/Shadow burn strategy, but I haven’t seen it tried.

2 S
Kill a unit with a single faction.
Uncommon Fast Spell

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 4.0

One of the most efficient removal spells in the game. Unlike Permafrost, this one can successfully kill a Sandstorm Titan! There are enough multi faction cards that the card isn’t an automatic four of, but you will usually play at least two in your Shadow decks. One of the crucial misses for this card are the Champions. You should be slamming this in draft because hard removal is very difficult to come by and anything that can break up a unit stacked with weapons is very valuable.

2 S
3 / 3
Argenport Instigator
When a unit dies, deal 1 damage to its owner.
Rare Unit — Rogue

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 4.0

I believe this is the largest single faction two drop in the game. The drawback is not nearly as relevant as the body you get for the cost. Most aggressive Shadow decks in ranked run this as a four of, rightfully. It is also a very strong draft card that can net you some serious damage in the early game. It can also block most things early on and buy you time to get to the late game if that is your thing.

6 SS
5 / 5
Argenport Ringmaster
Infiltrate (This does something the first time it damages a player): Play five random units from the enemy void.
Rare Unit — Cultist

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 2.0

I have barely played with or against this card in Eternal, but it seems hard to trigger the Infiltrate at that cost without built in evasion. Of course the payoff is outstanding, and likely game winning, if you do. You definitely would want a few cards that can give it evasion in your draft deck. You also need to make sure you are trading a lot in combat and killing opposing units regularly. In ranked, it is probably too expensive to make happen, but the effect is very strong.

5 SS
6 / 3
Ashara, the Deadshot
Deadly, Quickdraw
Rare Unit — Elf Gunslinger

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 1.5

She is basically unblockable in all formats, something that is a lot more valuable in draft than ranked due to the lack of removal in most draft decks. She fails the Torch test spectacularly, which nearly disqualifies her from ranked play. I won’t call her unplayable though because if she goes unchecked, it is a lot of damage.

7 S
Azindel's Gift
At the end of the cursed player's turn, they discard their hand.
Rare Relic

Draft: 1.5
Ranked: 3.5

This is too expensive to be super relevant in draft, your opponent like likely not have much of a hand by the time you can cast it. In ranked, it is a game winning play against control decks. I am currently splashing it in my Time/Justice/Primal control deck and often surprise opponents by tutoring for it at the end of their turn, play my first Shadow Sigil on my turn, and then drop the Gift. They basically need to have Decay in hand, or draw it on their next turn, or they lose. Fun play!

4 S
4 / 3
Back-Alley Bouncer
Common Unit — Rogue

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 0.0

A very meaty four drop in draft that will often lock down the ground if behind or rumble for significant damage if ahead. It is not a windmill slam pick or anything, but if you are Shadow you will rarely cut it. Probably just too inefficient for ranked as there are more powerful options at four power out there.

3 S
1 / 0
Beastcaller's Amulet
Infiltrate: Play a 5/5 Beast.
Uncommon Weapon

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 2.0

This is reasonable in draft if you have enough evasion units or other ways to give units evasion. This could be done in ranked in some kind of Shadow/Primal deck with cheap evasive units, such as the 1PS 2/2 Flier. I have yet to see anyone try it though.

2 S
2 / 0
Blackguard Sidearm
Common Weapon

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 1.0

A solid way to get a unit through for Infiltrate, but it is susceptible to removal. At least with the Beastcaller’s Amulet, you can play it and get in on the same turn to get value. This might let you get a bunch of extra damage in for one turn but at a big risk of card disadvantage later. In draft, there is less removal so this card can run away with games if played on a decently sized unit.

1 S
1 / 2
Blood Beetle
Infiltrate: +1 Attack and Flying.
Common Unit — Vermin

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.0

I have been consistently impressed with this in draft. It doesn’t look like much, but if played on turn 1 it will almost always get through and become an annoying evasive threat. The price is right in ranked as well, but I haven’t seen many people trying it.

5 SS
2 / 2
Cabal Cutthroat
Lifesteal, Charge
Infiltrate: Deal damage to the enemy player equal to the highest cost card in their hand.
Rare Unit — Rogue

Draft: 1.0
Ranked: 2.0

It is probably too hard to get through in draft. However, it does have its uses against unit-less control decks in ranked as it should get through most of the time and often for significant damage. It is pretty bad against decks with units though, which comprise most of the decks in ranked. Could be a cute side deck card.

4 S
3 / 2
Cabal Recruiter
Infiltrate: Play the top unit of the enemy deck.
Uncommon Unit — Cultist

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.0

Pretty hard to get through in draft, but worth playing other cards to make it happen. The Infiltrate effect is very powerful. This could also be a thing in ranked, but probably needs to be one power cheaper.

2 S
1 / 1
Cabal Rogue
Common Unit — Rogue

Draft: 1.5
Ranked: 1.0

I could see running it in a deck filled with weapons in draft, but it doesn’t do enough in ranked where there is a lot more removal.

1 S
Dark Return
Draw a unit from the void and give it +1/+1.
Common Spell

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 3.0
A fine card in either format that really shows of Eternal’s use of digital mechanics. Any abilities added to units are permanent and will remain with the unit between zones. This can allow for some powerful things to happen with Dark Return, especially in conjunction with Haunting Scream (2PS return a unit costing 3 or less from the void to play. It gains Charge and Flying. Sacrifice it at the end of the turn.)

2 S
1 / 1
Dark Wisp
Entomb: Draw a card.
Common Unit — Elemental

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 3.0

A fine two drop that can be sacrificed for value using one of the many spells that require a sacrifice as a cost. Can also chump block pretty effectively.

4 SS
Kill a unit.
Common Fast Spell

Draft: 4.5
Ranked: 3.5

Straightforward card that is absolutely great in draft. It can win you the game on the spot against one of the more popular strategies of stacking up one unit with a bunch of weapons. It obviously has its uses in other situations as well. The cost stops it from dominating ranked, but most shadow decks will play at least a few copies.

3 SS
3 / 2
Infiltrate: Kill an enemy unit.
Uncommon Unit — Elf

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.0

Another infiltrate unit worth building around. If you have a few ways of forcing it through, it should definitely make the cut in draft. Even without them, at least it forces the opponent to leave back blockers as most decks can’t afford it hitting them. If they get greedy and just leave one blocker back and you find a way to remove the blocker…it is a big game. The card is playable in ranked too, but it faces competition from better Infiltrate cards.

2 S
Sacrifice a unit to draw two cards and get 2 Health.
Common Fast Spell

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 2.5

Certainly a playable card in either format, if a little durdle-y. Combos in a great way with Madness (3S Unexhaust and gain control of a unit until end of turn, it gains Charge), but the combo is perhaps a little too expensive for ranked right now.  Devour goes nicely with Dark Wisp in both formats as well.

3 S
Devouring Shadow
Give a unit -1/-1 for each of your Shadow influence.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 3.0

This is an underplayed card in ranked for what it does. One great thing it does is keep Dawnwalker from ever returning as the -1/-1 effect is permanent across zones. If you build your power base correctly it will also just kill most things. In draft, I will take whatever removal I can get even if it can be a little tricky to power up.

1 S
1 / 1
Direfang Spider
Common Unit — Vermin

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.5

A fine unit to play in draft to stop large ground units. Probably a little underplayed in ranked as it is pretty reasonable against Time based units. One big problem is the number of silence effects being played that will render it a very bad card.

3 S
1 / 1
Direwood Beastcaller
Infiltrate: Play two 5/5 Beasts.
Rare Unit — Elf

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 3.5

This is likely a game winning effect if you can force it through early in draft. Not a small task given its size, but there are enough effects that can give it evasion that I would take it early and try to find those combos. In ranked, it is a cornerstone of the Haunting Scream deck, but unfortunately the deck really struggles against silence effects that are rampant.

6 S
6 / 4
Direwood Rampager
Common Unit — Beast

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 0.0

A mediocre filler card if you want something expensive to do in draft. Leave this one in the Collection in ranked.

3 S
Kill an exhausted enemy unit and deal 2 damage to the enemy player.
Common Spell

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 2.5

Removal is hard to come by in draft, especially removal that removes things regardless of size. It is a little conditional, but worth the wait. Remember if they block with an Endurance unit, it will be exhausted after combat and then can be Executed. It is a little too slow for ranked, but I won’t call it unplayable.

1 S
Give a unit Lifesteal and Unblockable this turn.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 1.0

If you have enough Infiltrate cards that are powerful enough in draft, I would play this. Otherwise, it doesn’t do enough. I would much rather play Cobalt Acolyte 2/1(3P Summon: Give a unit flying), but sometimes you just need another way to help the Infiltrate units. There are better ways to get things through in ranked.

5 S
Grasping at Shadows
Play a unit from the void.
Rare Spell

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 3.5

Individual units usually aren’t that big in draft, thus this feels too expensive for what it does. In ranked, it is the cornerstone of the reanimator deck as it is the only card that can return any unit right into play. I don’t think the deck is tier 1, but it certainly is playable.
1 S
1 / 1
Hair-Trigger Stranger
Strangers have Quickdraw.
Common Unit — Stranger

Draft: 1.5
Ranked: 1.5

Really bad card on its own, but if you have enough stranger synergy cards it can be playable in draft. In ranked, again, I don’t think there is a viable stranger deck but if there was this might see play.

6 SS
5 / 3
Horsesnatcher Bat
Flying, Quickdraw
Uncommon Unit — Beast

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 1.0

This card wins games in draft as it is nearly impossible to block. The cost keeps it from being too dominant, but I won’t cut them from my Shadow decks. Horsesnatcher Bat is too fragile for ranked given the cost which should please Khal Drogo.

4 SS
5 / 5
Impending Doom
At the end of your turn, Impending Doom deals 1 damage to you.
Rare Unit — Nightmare

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 4.0

This is a great card in both formats. Impending Doom is one of the better units on rate in the game. It has a few challenges in ranked, Sandstorm Titan and Permafrost, which are very widely played. You can safely windmill slam it in draft.

2 S
3 / 2
Jungle Prowler
Common Unit — Beast

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 1.0

A fine two drop in draft, but with the prevalence of the factionless strangers that provide influence, they are all 2 cost 2/2, it means that it matches up poorly with the most common two drops. However, if an opponent fails to produce a two drop, you can beat down pretty effectively. The card doesn’t do enough for play in ranked.

1 S
2 / 2
Summon: Knifejack deals 2 damage to you.
Uncommon Unit — Rogue

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 2.0

The benefit of getting this down on turn one is not enough to be too excited by it in draft. It plays mostly like a 2/2 for 2 with a drawback. It is still playable if you need early action. In ranked, you can craft a very aggressive deck where it coming down early is relevant.

4 SS
3 / 1
Lethrai Falchion
Overwhelm, Lifesteal
Rare Weapon

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 1.0

I can see this winning a lot of games in draft, especially if played on a flier. It is too risky for ranked play though.

3 S
2 / 2
Lethrai Nightblade
Uncommon Unit — Elf

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 1.0

A fine evasive threat in draft that is probably too slow for ranked.

2 S
2 / 2
Lethrai Ranger
Infiltrate: +2/+2.
Common Unit — Elf

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.0

A powerful two drop all the way around. If you can trigger it early in draft, it is very hard to deal with.

3 S
2 / 2
Summon: You get Lifesteal this turn.
Uncommon Relic Weapon

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.5

A fine way to kill a flier in draft. It has combos in ranked where if you play this and then equip a larger weapon or cast spells, you retain the Lifesteal effect. This can gain a large amount of life. Combos very well with Lightning Storm as if you have Lifesteal, all of your spells will gain you life.

5 S
4 / 2
Lurking Sanguar
Free if two units dealt damage to the enemy player this turn.
Uncommon Unit — Beast

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 2.0

The body is just not that good in either format as nearly all cheaper units are happy to block it.

3 S
Ready and steal an enemy unit this turn.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 3.0

This is not great to play if you have no combos with it, but if you can pick up some sacrifice effects this can be great. It is a little expensive for ranked, but still worth running in a deck with plenty of sacrifice effects.

3 S
2 / 2
Nightsworn Slayer
Uncommon Unit — Nightsworn

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 1.0

Another reasonable card to kill fliers with. Too low impact for ranked play though.

5 SS
Oblivion Spike
+1 Attack for each of your units in the void.
Rare Relic Weapon

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 2.0

This can do a lot of work in draft either killing one larger unit or a few smaller ones. It is a little expensive and slow for ranked, but I don’t think it is unplayable.

1 S
Steal the top card of the enemy deck.
Common Spell

Draft: 1.0
Ranked: 0.0

Odds say that this will most often hit a Power card, which isn’t that great, but at least you will never be truly down a card. Stolen cards have their influence requirements removed, so you will be able to cast anything you take. This doesn’t do enough for a slot in ranked decks.

3 S
Enemy units get -1/-1.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 4.0

A great effect in draft, remember it is permanent. It plays a huge role in ranked play to kill Grenadin tokens and to shut down Dawnwalker. I killed three Dawnwalkers at once on stream the other day, and it was glorious.

1 S
Rapid Shot
Give a unit +4 Attack and Quickdraw this turn.
Common Fast Spell

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 2.5

A very efficient combat trick, but it does require you to be attacking to get value. Pairs very nicely with Infiltrate cards as your opponent will be forced to try and block them. Even sees play in ranked in the aggressive Shadow decks.

3 S
3 / 3
Ravenous Thornbeast
Summon: You may sacrifice another unit to give Ravenous Thornbeast +2/+2.
Common Unit — Beast

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.5

A fine body even without sacrificing anything in draft, but if you have some Dark Wisps or other expendable cheap units, it gets very good. Not the worst in ranked either as you can include enough value things to sacrifice.

1 S
Choose a spell or attachment in the enemy player's hand. They discard it.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 3.5

It is a little risky to run in draft, but I think you hit enough that you will play it most of the time. Powerful card in ranked as it can be game winning to take their Harsh Rule or other key spell or attachment.

2 S
1 / 1
Scavenging Vulture
+1 Attack while you have a unit in the void.
Common Unit — Bird

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 1.0

It isn’t that hard to turn this on in draft, at which point it is an evasive threat at a reasonable cost. While the rate is okay in ranked, there are better things to do generally.

3 S
3 / 1
Shadowlands Guide
Summon: Play a unit with cost 1 or less from the void.
Rare Unit — Cultist

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 4.0

I think it might be too hard to find playable one drops in draft, but if  you had 3 or 4 I would be excited to have this. In ranked, you can build around this card and have it be quite good. One of the cooler things you can do is play Pyroknight (1F 2/1 Overwhelm, Ultimate: Pay 5 to give +4/+4) use its Ultimate, have it die, bring it back with Shadowlands Guide, and then use its Ultimate again! 10/9 Pyroknight!

1 S
Give a unit -1/-1.
Common Fast Spell

Draft: 1.0
Ranked: 1.5

This doesn’t kill enough things in draft to be worth considering, but being able to answer Dawnwalker for 1 Power is something I wouldn’t rule out in ranked.

5 SS
3 / 3
Sinister Warlock
Summon: Give an enemy unit -1/-1.
Uncommon Unit — Cultist

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 1.5
Similar to Sickness, the effect doesn’t excite me very much in draft, but at least you can attack and block afterwards! Again, a card that can answer Dawnwalker and leave a body is at least playable in ranked, but the rate is weak enough that you won’t run this very often.

1 S
Slumbering Stone
Entomb: Play a 2/2 Flying Gargoyle.
Uncommon Unit — Gargoyle

Draft: 2.5
Ranked: 2.0

Pretty good to play early in the game in draft, though kind of bad late in the game. Usually you will end up with the Gargoyle which is a fine place to be. Works very well with cards that require sacrificing as a cost. Can certainly build around it in ranked, but I don’t think the Entomb decks are very strong.

4 S
1 / 1
Soul Collector
When another unit dies, Soul Collector gets +1/+1. Entomb: You gain Health equal to Soul Collector's Health.
Uncommon Unit — Cultist

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 0.0

Pretty slow card, but will get large quickly if you play it early on. The Entomb ability is kind of just gravy. Too slow for ranked and very susceptible to silence effects.

6 SS
Spirit Drain
Deal 4 damage to a unit.
Common Spell

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 0.0

This is one of the worst, but still playable, removal spells in the set for draft. Don’t feel bad cutting this though as most decent units are better. It is very hard for this card to be an efficient play. This is far too expensive for ranked.

2 S
1 / 2
Summon: Discard the top five cards of your deck.
Uncommon Unit — Sporefolk

Draft: 0.0
Ranked: 2.5

I don’t think there are enough void synergies for this to do anything in draft, but it does work in the reanimator ranked deck.

4 S
3 / 5
Steward of the Past
Summon: Silence all units in the enemy void. When an enemy unit would be killed or discarded, Silence it.
Rare Unit — Radiant

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 4.0

This is a powerful unit that locks down the ground, and can often be a strong attacker. The anti-void ability is very relevant in ranked, shutting down Dawnwalkers and other shenanigans.

4 S
2 / 2
Stonescar Magus
Entomb: Give an enemy unit -2/-2.
Common Unit — Mage

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 1.0

A fine card in draft that will often slow down ground attacks altogether. It is a little too slow for ranked play.

5 S
3 / 3
Subtle Stranger
When a player plays a Stranger, their enemy discards the top three cards of their deck.
Uncommon Unit — Stranger

Draft: 1.0
Ranked: 0.0

The body is pretty bad in draft, and the ability doesn’t really do anything.

4 S
Steal a random card from the enemy player's hand.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 2.0

A very bad topdeck in the late game, but this at least gets you a card in the mid game. Unfortunately, it also means you aren’t advancing your board which can be a death sentence in the mid game. It is hard to find the time to cast this and not die. However, it does provide card advantage which is a valuable thing if you can find a window for it.

1 S
Kill a unit with 3 Attack or less.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 2.0

A fine way to kill an evasive threat in draft and can be efficient in ranked as well.

1 / 1
The Deathstroke
Deadly, Quickdraw
Ultimate: Pay 9 to make The Deathstroke's attacks deadly to players.
Legendary Relic Weapon

Draft: 1.0
Ranked: 1.0

It is super powerful, but all it takes is one damage from the opponent’s attack or spells to kill it. You should be able to take down their best thing first though, which is good. Of course if you can kill all of their units, you will also get to one shot the opponent. This is cool, but usually “win more” as you were probably winning anyway after killing all of their units. The big problem is the 9 power cost. This is just too expensive for what ends up being a Deathstrike a lot of the time.

The Witching Hour
Play four Pale Riders. When you play another card, reduce the cost of The Witching Hour by 1.
Legendary Spell

Draft: 5.0
Ranked: 4.5

This card is awesome! The only real downside is the hefty Shadow requirement, but I will happily skew my Power base to make this work in draft. Strangers that provide influence really help this along. It is very hard to lose when you cast this card, so often it is just a matter of playing enough cards to make it castable. Luckily, power cards count towards this as well as any token producers. Assembly Line (3R put three 1/1 Grenadins into play) reduces its cost by 4 alone. This is also a very strong card in ranked for heavy Shadow decks. One of the best things to do after they Harsh Rule.

3 S
Torrent of Spiders
Play a 1/1 Deadly Spider. Play an additional Spider for every three units you have in the void.
Uncommon Spell

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 2.0

It is actually kind of hard to get more than one spider with this in draft, but if you do it is reasonable. You can build around this a bit easier in ranked, but probably not super worth it.

Touch of the Umbren
Steal the cursed unit (for as long as it is cursed).
Rare Curse

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 1.0

This is a game winner in draft, but you need to build your deck to survive to cast it and have plenty of power (18+). It is too slow for ranked play.

5 SS
5 / 1
Umbren Reaper
Entomb: Deal 5 damage to the enemy player and you gain 5 Health.
Rare Unit — Radiant

Draft: 4.5
Ranked: 4.0

This is crazy powerful unit that will often win the game in draft and does enough in ranked to see play. A very nice thing to reanimate with Vara, Fate Touched.

2 S
1 / 1
Vampire Bat
Flying, Lifesteal
Common Unit — Beast

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 1.0

Cool thing to suit up with weapons, but I think it is playable in draft without combos. Doesn’t really do enough in ranked.

2 S
Vara's Favor
Deal 1 damage. Draw a Shadow Sigil from your deck.
Common Spell

Draft: 3.0
Ranked: 4.0

There aren’t quite enough X/1’s for this to be dominant in draft, but it is never that bad. In ranked there are plenty of targets and gaining the extra sigil means this is a powerful value spell.

6 / 6
Vara, Fate-Touched
When you play Vara or another Shadow unit, play an additional Shadow unit from the void.
Legendary Unit — Scion

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 4.0

This is a great finisher in draft and a cornerstone of the reanimator deck. This is often the first thing you bring back, which either chains out more Varas and eventually Umbren Reapers.

2 S
1 / 1
Venomfang Dagger
Common Weapon

Draft: 1.0
Ranked: 0.0

This essentially reads – two for one yourself. Not text I like on my cards. At least you will usually kill something good in the process.

7 / 7
Venomspine Hydra
Entomb: Kill all enemy units.
Legendary Unit — Beast

Draft: 3.5
Ranked: 3.0

Another solid reanimation target and a powerful finisher in draft.

5 SS
2 / 2
Whip Chain
Uncommon Weapon

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 1.0

This can team up with a large unit to take down just about anything in draft, or with a smaller unit it can take down a flier and leave a larger body to rumble with later. This is a good weapon because it allows you to get value right away so there is less risk of getting two for one’d. It is likely too expensive for ranked play.

Whispers in the Void
The Tormentor appears in the void.
Legendary Spell

Draft: 4.0
Ranked: 2.0
The Tormentor reads: 10 8/8 Flying, Overwhelm, Charge At the start of your turn, if it is in the void, play a 1/1 Spiteling. Spiteling 1/1 Entomb: Deal one damage to the enemy player.
Unless you are returning this to your hand or play with other spells, this card will generate a Spiteling every turn, which ultimately will spell doom for your opponent. It does require a hefty Shadow cost, but it is worth paying for the effect. This is a little slow for ranked play unfortunately.

3 S
3 / 3
Xenan Destroyer
Lifesteal, Reckless
Common Unit — Radiant

Draft: 2.0
Ranked: 1.5

This can do good work in draft as the units are rarely all that large in the early/mid game. It is pretty bad if they play something that can block it profitably. Pairs very nicely with Rapid Shot. It is probably not good enough for ranked play.

If you are enjoying these set reviews, be sure to follow me on Twitch for when I stream next:
I am aiming for the next stream to happen next Monday.

-Ben @bchap55